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The Florida Association
of Partners in Education
Adele Graham Award Winner 2012
Linda Morris
The 2012 Adele Graham award winner, Linda Morris, has been contributing to the education profession for thirty nine years. During this span of years, she has been a teacher at elementary, middle, and high, assistant principal, and principal. She is currently the Director of Elementary Education for Nassau School District. One of her major responsibilities is the administration of the volunteer program, including all aspects of school, community, business, and faith based volunteer and mentoring activities. A hallmark of her influence upon her local school district includes the repetitive statewide award winners for school volunteerism and business partnerships. Mrs. Morris is a board member of the Florida Association of Partners In Education and serves as President for the 2011-2013 biennium. She also has served as board member and vice president of the Florida Association of State and Federal Project Administrators. The National Association of Federal Project Administrators awarded Mrs. Morris the 2012 State Leadership Award for outstanding support of the state affiliate as well as providing leadership to statewide membership. She is currently serving in an advisory capacity to the Texas Association of Partners In Education for National Conference planning. “What an incredibly humbling honor this is to join such a prestigious lineage that has gone before me as well as a legacy of the Graham family. It is my great privilege to carry this honor with me as I attempt to professionally influence others in the same manner as Adele Graham.”
Mission Statement
To provide leadership in the formation and growth of effective partnerships that ensure the success for all students
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