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The 2015 Adele Graham Award winner is Sara Au, Business Partner Coordinator, Orange County Public Schools. This award is presented annually to recognize an individual district volunteer and business partnership coordinator who has given tirelessly to build the statewide school volunteer program.


Sara Au is President-Elect of the Florida Association of Partners in Education, runs the Orange County (Orlando Partners in Education program.                                                                   

Orange County, Florida has more than 1,100 Partners in Education that contribute meaningfully to the 10th largest district in the nation. Sara manages those relationships and provides effective training for school-or department-based coordinators.

Sara sits on the Superintendent Jenkins' Faith-Based Partners in Education Advisory Council, and has helped to spearhead the Fraternity & Sorority Initiative for volunteerism. She's cultivated a STEM-track of partnerships within her district, as well. Sara was in the inaugural class of the OCPS Management Leadership Academy, and is the author of two books on parenting.

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