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The Florida Association
of Partners in Education
Community Engagement of Volunteers Award
The Community Engagement of Volunteers Award reflects innovative programs or partnerships that can be a model to increase engagement in other school districts. The Florida Association of Partners in Education and our award Co-Sponsor Horace Mann each year recognizes innovative programs and partnerships that increase volunteer community engagement.
Community Volunteer Engagement Award
Check Back for more information on Nominations
Sponsored by FAPE and Horace Mann
2017 Community Volunteer Engagement Award Winners
Pinellas County School Elementary School Winner
Broward County Public Schools - Middle Scho
Middle School "The School is Cool" & High School
"The Pompano Beach High School Think Tank"
Left to Right: Pinellas School Board Member Linda S. Lerner, Joanne Lentino, Chairperson Rene Flowers, Ron Diner, Raymond James; School Board Vice Chair, Peggy O'Shea, Susan Schneck, Lunch Pals Cooridinator, School Board Member, Carol Cook, Misa Mills, FAPE President, Seminole County School, School Board Member Terry Krassner, Michelle Roberge, FAPE Past President, Pinellas County Schools, School Board Member, Eileen Long.
2016 Community Engagement Volunteer Award Winner
Orange County Public Schools
"Hydroponic Sustainability Garden"
Winning Application
Left to Right: Kathleen Wright, Sr. Specialist for Partners in Education, Orange County Schools, Ermedlinda Rolon, Sr. Specialist for ADDitions School Volunteers, Orange County Schools, Pamela Carson, Sr. Manager of Community Resources, Orange County Schools, Michelle Roberge, FAPE President, Pinellas County Schools, Dawn Chehab, 3rd grade teacher at Millennia Gardens ES (previously at Winegard ES), Joshua Garrett, 5th Grade at Millennia Gardens ES (previously at Winegard ES) Orange County Schools.
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