The Florida Association
of Partners in Education

Regional Representatives
District Name Email Phone
Region 1
Leon County Schools Kelli Walker 805-487-7881
Region 2
Alachua County Schools Kelley Kostamo 352-955-7250 x 6412
Region 3
Osceola Public Schools Robin Davis 407-870-4080
Region 4
Region 5
Palm Beach Schools Stacey Oak 561-738-2780
Representative, FLDOE
Regional Representatives: are appointed in their respective regions. They are contacts and resources for the volunteer coordinators, business partnerships specialists and other interested individuals and groups in their region. Regional Representatives assist in recruitment of new members and encourage current FAPE members to renew their membership each year. The Regional Representatives also assist the FAPE board on projects, training's and other programs to further the reach and potential of FAPE members.