The Florida Association
of Partners in Education
FAPE History
2017 - Who We Are
1971 - Dade county Writes a Title 333 grant for training volunteers.
1972 - Organized district school volunteer programs begin in Florida...Orange County with the Junior League...
Leon County in conjunction with court ordered integration... Hillsborough County because of a teachers' strike.
1973 - Other Central Florida programs begin to form: Seminole, Brevard, Osceola and Volusia.
1974 - Florida State Board of Education establishes administrative rules regarding school volunteers beginning
Florida's statewide organized school volunteer program.
1975 - Position established at the Florida Department of Education to promote, develop and assist school
volunteer programs statewide...Florida School Volunteer Advisory Council which would become the
Commissioner's Community Involvement Council established. Twenty districts have organized school volunteer
1977 - Florida legislature appropriates $241,500 for district school volunteer programs...Joint House/Senate
resolution recognizes and honors school volunteers and calls on the governor to set aside the week of Valentine
day annually as Florida School Volunteer Week...Florida Association of District School Volunteer Administrators established. First Florida School Volunteer Conference was held in Orlando.
1978 - The governor and legislature statutorily formalize a statewide organized school volunteer.
1981 - Florida legislature appropriates $320,000 for district volunteer programs
1983 - Chevron provides $50,000 for Senior Mentors for Creative Students.
1984 - Florida legislature appropriated an additional $50,000 to match Chevron's Senior Mentor for Creative Students Program. Florida Department of Education Office of Community and Business Involvement is established.
1985 Coordinator of business Education Partnerships position is added to the State office to promote business partnerships in districts and schools. Legislative funding continues for school volunteer program.
1988 Commissioner of Education appoints a statewide Inter-generational Task force to recruit senior citizens as volunteers. Legislative funding continues to create new opportunities for expansion of school volunteer programs.
1989 184,827 volunteers donated 8,112.447 hours with a total dollar value of $81,124,470. Legislature creates Teacher Quest, a Math/Science Partnership. Legislature appropriates $150,000 in funding for the Volunteer Program Enhancement Grants to expand Youth Motivators, Rockin'Readers, Wee Care, and Military Volunteer Program.
1990 Legislature continues to allocate funds for school district volunteer programs. Legislature passes Inter-generational Act sanctioning the value of senior citizens as active volunteers.
1991 Legislature allocates $405,936 to support district school volunteer programs FADSVA changes its name to Florida Association of Partners in Education.
1992 Legislature eliminates categorical funding which eliminates legislative support for district school volunteer programs.
1993 283,263 volunteers donated 11,574,943 hours with a dollar value of $115, 749, 430 to Florida schools.
1994 The international Year of the Family Proclamation is signed by Governor Chiles.
1996 Florida legislature enacts the volunteer Immunity Act. Legislature adds parent involvement as 8th educational goal.
1999 Legislature funds mentoring initiatives for designated private non-profit organizations in Florida.
2000 The Department of Education downsizes and closes the Office of Community Involvement.
2008 Annual FAPE Leadership Conference in Jacksonville, FL
2009 Annual FAPE Leadership Conference in Daytona FL
2014 STEM Conference - LegoLand. Developed a FAPE website.
2015 STEM Conference - NASA. Presentation o f the Florida Association of Partners in Education Award~ Orange County Winner. Presentation of the FAPE Legacy Award presented to the State PTA. FAPE started to hold lunch time webinars on a variety of topics.
2016 STEM Conference - Palm Beach Zoo and Science Center. Continues to promote quarterly lunch time webinars to support volunteer coordinators. Updated the Volunteer Toolkit Manuel.
2016 Launch of the Florida School Volunteer Award
2016 FAPE Webinar Series
Mission Statement
To provide leadership in the formation and growth of effective partnerships that ensure the success for all students