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Adele Graham Award Winner 2009

Shelley Parpard

Shelley Parpard started her involvement as a volunteer in her children's school as a classroom Mom. The school district then hired her to maximize resources for the entire county serving as the District Volunteer Coordinator for the past 20 years.As a district coordinator Parpard provides support and resources for schools and principals on issues of community involvement. Through her partnership with the local media, volunteers are recognized each week on several radio stations. She has developed and implemented the VIPS Count (Volunteers in Public Schools) Volunteer & Visitor Tracking System, an electronic tracking system used in all Palm Beach County schools to track community involvement and provide required security checks and she provides training and support to approximately 200 schools. During 2008-2009, Palm Beach County schools had over 36,000 volunteers providing well over 1 million hours of service to schools.Not only has Parpard made a difference in Palm Beach District, she has been a state leader and contributor of resources to make a difference for all Florida's districts. Parpard is a sought after trainer and has become the Five Star School award trainer for Florida. She is always on the FAPE conference agenda and has been videotaped for year round access by all schools. This training is available on the Florida Education Channel. (Schedule available at has served on the FAPE board and chaired several statewide conference committees.Every year due to Parpard's expertise, leadership and motivational spirit Palm Beach County wins the Florida Challenge Award for the most members in FAPE. The enthusiasm that she builds for her district and state volunteer program is true to the spirit of the Adele Graham Award.


Mission Statement

To provide leadership in the formation and growth of effective partnerships that ensure the success for all students


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